What is Sustainable Fashion

Sustainable Fashion has always been something of interest to me. In fashion school I did every project I could with a sustainable angle. Dyeing with natural occurring materials, using second hand materials instead of new, refurbishing vintage items, and adding a sustainable focus to my presentations. It was in fashion school that I learned about planned obsolescence and was able to see how that related to my fast fashion habit right away.

I knew the demise of my clothing store was partly due to my soul just not being in it anymore. I thought the fashion industry just didn’t align with my values and after working so deep in the industry I felt it was seemingly hopeless. However, getting back into social media I started curating my Insta feed with influencers, designers and companies who aligned with my values and my whole view point on the industry flipped and I’m now beginning to regain faith and hope in my passion for fashion.

While talking with a friend recently I came to the realization, however, that the majority of fashion consumers are not consuming the same content as me. The idea of sustainable, ethical or circular consumer decisions don’t come into play while purchasing pieces for their bridal showers or new fall wardrobes. Which also made me realize a lot of my existing followers might be new to these concepts too. So here is my first of many posts on sustainable and ethical fashion – I hope it helps you to discover new companies, new habits and helps you feel good about your decisions along the way!!

Each term below has a lot of nuances to add and consider but my goal is help new members to Sustainable Fashion be excited and not overwhelmed! Remember, we are learning and not perfect – progress over perfection!

development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

definition by the United Nations,1987

Let’s get started…

Sustainable Fashion – sustainable fashion is often used as an umbrella term for concepts relating to the environment, human rights, mindful consumerism and minimalism. Specifically, Sustainable Fashion means taking a balanced approach to all factors of the garment – design, resources, and consumption – while looking at the long term effect the item/company has on our world.

Ethical Fashion – Ethical fashion relates to the social impact of sourcing and producing the garment. The well being of the workers, the impact to the communities and animal welfare fit into this category. Unfortunately, the manufacturing of most garments take advantage of communities and their workers and often times the brands hiring the factories don’t even know what goes into producing their own garments.

Eco-Fashion – Eco-fashion has little to no impact on the environment and is mindful of the resources used such as material, production, shipping and packaging.

Circular Fashion – Circular fashion is the dream world – where nothing goes to waste during the productions, use and discarding of the item. At the end of the products life cycle the idea is that it contributes positively to the environment and regenerating natural systems.

If you want to know more about Sustainable Fashion here is a super easy read that breaks down all the terms used in Susty Fashion chats – 19 Sustainable Fashion Terms You Need To Know.

xo Cade Babe is a lifestyle blog focused on mindful fashion, creating happiness through a healthier lifestyle and creative self expression based in Canada – founded by Chelsea Petterson.

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